Exploration Advisory

Exploration Advisory classes are fun classes that are the first period of the day from 8:00am to 8:35am and change every three weeks. At the beginning of the school year you select several that you would like to explore throughout the school year and Marston's staff does their best to get you in as many of your choices as they can. Exploration classes have no academic grades and are just fun! What a great way to start off the day!

Click here for the Exploration Advisory course listing

To earn EXPLORATION classes:

  1. Pay attention in class every day
  2. Do your homework every night.
  3. Know what the learning targets are for English, Mathematics, History, and Science. Study them every day.
  4. Ask questions in class every day.
  5. Go to tutoring every day, if you need help.

Click here for the online exploration advisory selection

Student are working

Handball Robotics Advisory
Making cookie dough in Cooking Coding Board Games
Jazz Band Art Exploration Programing
Pencil Sketching Computer Coding Art Projects
Homework Club Orchestra Performance


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