Advanced Robotics, Computer Games, Egg Drop, Lego League Robotics, Robotics, Water Rockets, and Computer Coding
Adv.Robotics- Extend your knowledge and understanding of how to build and manipulate robotic devices.
Computer Games- Have fun playing educational computer games in the computer lab!
Egg Drop- What does it take to drop an egg from the roof of a building and make sure it doesn’t break? Build your own contraption and test it out.
Lego League Robotics- Introduces students to real-world engineering challenges by building LEGO-based robots to complete tasks on a thematic playing surface. FIRSTLEGO League teams, guided by their imaginations and adult coaches, discover exciting career possibilities and, through the process, learn to make positive contributions to society.
Robotics- Research and explore the basics of engineering and robotics.
Water Rockets- Learn the physics behind Water Rocketry. Design, develop, build and test water rockets. Students build rockets using two 2 liter soda bottles and then launch them.
Computer Coding- Beginning & intermediate level students learn to code or improve their use of coding with characters such as Elsa & Anna, Angry Birds, Minecraft & Star Wars. Students how already know how to code can use "Scratch" to code and/or create your own games.
Medical Sciences - Blood spatter, DNA, and Forensics, oh my!
Karakuri Mechanical Toys - Make your own mechanical Japanese paper toys, creatures, and models that walk, jump, spin, tumble and Amaze!